Realtree's Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Realtree's Monster Bucks is back for the 31st year exclusively on Realtree 365! Check out 58 Total hunts from Team Realtree as they hunt giant whitetails across the Country. This is one of our best years yet with hunts from 17 different states and Mexico and over 8700 inches of horn.
Tyler Jordan Puts Mr. Perfect in the Dirt | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Tyler Jordan hunts early season Nebraska whitetails and puts his target buck down. He arrows this great buck, and man, is it a dandy.
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Lee Ellis Shoots Urban FREAK in Ohio | Monster Bucks XXXI
Daniel McVay Shoots Kentucky FREAK | Monster Bucks XXXI
Tony Smotherman Hunts the Lonestar State | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Tony Smotherman of CVA Firearms hunts the first Texas cold front of the season. As you can see, the move pays off big time.
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Mellissa Bachman's Cold-Weather Giant | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Melissa Bachman, host of Winchester Deadly Passion, hunts a giant buck in the Nebraska cold. She battles the elements and comes out on top with a tag filled.
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Chris Ashley's Smoke-Pole "Mega-Giant" | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Chris Ashley hunts the Kansas Muzzleloader season. Eventually, he connects on a massive, high-scoring deer. Checkmate.
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Kyle Barefield's Once-in-a-Lifetime Buck | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
All Things Hunting host Kyle Barefield hunts a buck of a lifetime. It's a freaky non-typical with a lot of character.
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Bill Jordan's Louisiana Swamp Monster | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Realtree's Bill Jordan heads to Louisiana for a late-season rifle hunt. As a result, he bags a great, big, heavy-antlered buck.
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Michael Waddell Smokes Kansas Stud | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
The rut activity is picking up in Kansas and Michael Waddell is there for the action. He capitalizes on a great main-frame 8-pointer.
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Slade Priest's Kansas Brute | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
It's Slade's second day in Kansas and he finally has the right wind to hunt his target buck. The big-brow, heavy-beamed deer finds its way into bow range.
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Colton Jordan's Black Eye and Big Buck | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Bill Jordan's youngest son, Colton, shoots a Georgia giant at Realtree Farms. He also gets a black eye along the way. Check out the video for all the details.
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Krysten McDaniel's Illinois Monster | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Krysten McDaniel is in the stand for a late-season archery hunt. She gets it done in grand fashion. Big buck down.
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Nick Mundt's Kentucky Stud | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
While running late to the blind, Bone Collector Nick Mundt sneaks into position on a giant buck. It appears that being late can (sometimes) pay off.
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Jeff Danker's Decoy Madness | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
The rut is on in Oklahoma and Jeff Danker is ready to take advantage of the conditions. He decoys a great buck right into bow range.
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Nick Mundt's Kansas Rut Hunt | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Bone Collector Nick Mundt bowhunts Kansas during the rut. True to form, he gets it done on a great deer. Don't miss the hunt for this amazing main-frame 10-pointer.
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Michael Waddell Hunts the Kentucky Rifle Opener | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Every hunter knows the feeling of opening day of rifle season. Michael Waddell is here to enjoy it. It leads to a great 10-point buck.
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David Blanton's Muzzleloader Monster | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Realtree's David Blanton smokes a giant Texas whitetail with his CVA Muzzleloader. The big 10-pointer falls and hits the ground ... hard.
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Randy Birdsong's Massive Missouri Buck | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Randy Birdsong is in Missouri for an early season bow hunt. On this outing, he closes the gap on a huge whitetail with really long main beams.
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Country Music Star Jon Langston's Early Season Stud | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Early season in Nebraska can be a great time to target big bucks. Jon Langston knows this and puts one in the dirt. What a hunt!
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Cole Barthel's Oklahoma Stud | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Realtree's Cole Barthel hunts his lease in Oklahoma with his CVA muzzleloader. By the end of the hunt, he puts a big 7X7 (14-pointer) on the ground. This is a true dream deer.
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David Blanton Smokes Wyoming Stud | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
David Blanton is back at 7J outfitters in Sundance, Wyoming, for another early season hunt. He crosses paths with a massive Wyoming whitetail.
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Stephen Phillips' Muzzleloader Stud | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Stephen Phillips heads to Illinois for a late-season muzzleloader hunt. He gets it done on a big, mature whitetail. This cold, frosty hunt proves quite fruitful.
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Tyler Jordan Hunts the Louisiana Rut | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Realtree's Tyler Jordan hunts the swamps of Louisiana during the rut. He comes face-to-face with an ultra-wide whitetails. It's a true monster buck.
Jordan Wiggins Shoots Massive Buck | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Jordan Wiggins drops a massive Oklahoma river-bottom buck. This deer has a lot of mass, and it's the sort of thing that deer hunter's dream about.
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Jared Larsen Hunts Early Season Wyoming | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Jared Larsen of onX Maps arrows a beautiful Wyoming buck on opening day. He's all about this 8-pointer with trashy bases.
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Rhonda Vanderpool Hunts a Giant in Kansas | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
It's late season in Kansas and the deer are moving. In this episode, Rhonda Vanderpool lets the air out of a big buck.
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Graysen Jordan's Georgia Giant | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Bill Jordan's daughter, Graysen, hunts a Georgia giant. She puts the big buck on the ground. Tag filled and memories made.
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Tyler Jordan Shoots the Hayblower Buck | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
After weeks of playing "cat and mouse," Tyler Jordan puts his target buck on the ground. The Hayblower buck is dead. A long journey comes to an end.
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Ben McDonald Arrows a Giant at 10 Yards | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
After a long hard week of bowhunting in Nebraska, Ben McDonald finally makes it happen. He tags out on a great 8-point buck.
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Bryan Brown Takes an Early Season Stud | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
The best time can be early in the season when big bucks are still on predictable patterns. Here, Realtree's Bryan Brown shows just that as he fills his tag on a huge white-racked buck.
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Jeff Danker Arrows a Kansas Stud | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
It's archery season in Kansas and the bucks are rutting. A giant buck moves in on Jeff Danker's decoy. But Danker has the final say.
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Cole Cannon's Muzzleloader Monster | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Buckventures' Cole Cannon hunts a giant buck in Oklahoma with his muzzleloader. He fills his tag on a really big 9-pointer.
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Bentley Priest Drops a Mississippi Monster | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Patience prevails for Slade Priest and his son Bentley. The youth hunter drops a giant in its tracks. Big 8-pointer down.
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Drew Carroll Spot and Stalk Muley | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Drew Carrol of Seek1 Productions puts on a spot-and-stalk hunt with his bow in Utah. The result? A phenomenal mule deer to be proud of.
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Country Music Singer Riley Green Hunts Louisiana | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Country music star Riley Green takes time off the road each fall to hunt giant whitetail bucks. On this outing, it's no different, and the trip ends with a big, wide buck.
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Nate Hosie's Mesquite Monster | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Everything is bigger in Texas, including the bucks. Here, HeadHunters TV's Nate Hosie shows us why that is. This heavy 8-pointer is a buck to behold.
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Lee Ellis' Tennessee Velvet Toad | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
The early season brings the heat and the bucks to Lee Ellis' stand. Here, he arrows a velvet giant at point-blank range.
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Bryan Brown Drops a Louisiana Stud | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
The weather is right in Louisiana, and Bryan Brown takes advantage of the opportunity. He shoots a really heavy mature buck.
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Cody Kelly Bowhunts Mexico | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Cody Kelly of Small Town Hunting heads southward to hunt Mexico whitetails. While there, he bags a big 8-pointer.
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Jeff Danker Stalks Nebraska Bruiser | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
The open hills of Nebraska offer great opportunities for spot-and-stalk hunting. On this hunt, Jeff Danker uses the tactic to tag a great buck.
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Georgia Kate McFerrin Smokes a Texas Tank | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Georgia-Kate McFerrin gets a huge Texas buck at 10 yards. Big 8-pointers don't get any better than this one. It's a clean, giant whitetail.
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Bryan Brown Hunts Georgia Bow Season Monster | Monster Bucks XXXI
Fall is in the air in Georgia, and Realtree's Bryan Brown is in the stand ready for the action. He fills his tag on a great southern 10-pointer.
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Nate Hosie's Early Season Ohio Stud | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Nate Hosie heads to Ohio to hunt early season archery whitetails. He connects on a great 8-point buck.
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Roger Culpepper's Georgia Archery Buck | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Roger Culpepper takes a beautiful Georgia buck with archery equipment. Everything comes together for him on this successful outing.
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Cole Cannon's Kansas Bow Buck | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Cole Cannon arrows a late-season Kansas stud. It's the last-minute hunt you hope for. Check out the full hunt here.
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Greg Camp's Nebraska Giant | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Greg Camps heads to Nebraska and puts a stud on the ground! It's a picture-perfect 10-pointer. Follow along as he fills his tag on a great midwestern whitetail.
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Randy Birdsong Shoots Wide Kansas Giant | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Randy Birdsong takes a giant Kansas whitetail. This wide 10-pointer is an excellent buck. On this hunt, Birdsong plays his hand quite well.
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Riley Green Hunts a Mississippi Monster | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Country music singer Riley Green hunts the Backwoods Attraction proving grounds in Mississippi. He walks away with an awesome 8-point buck. This is an action-packed hunt.
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Nate Hosie's Missouri Monster | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Nate Hosie hunts familiar ground in Missouri and smokes a big buck with his crossbow. This big 8-pointer never saw it coming. What a hunt!
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Matt Garret Smokes an Ancient Oklahoma Bruiser | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Matt Garret is up in the tree. He hopes to cross paths with an old buck he's been trying to catch up to. Here, he accomplishes just that. Game over.
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Tyler Jordan's Nebraska Bruiser | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
It's the early season. Some bucks are still in velvet, and Tyler Jordan is ready to make it happen. He connects on a full-velvet Nebraska whitetail.
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Lee Ellis Shoots North Dakota Velvet Buck | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
After a tough morning in the woods, Lee Ellis of Seek1, is back in the stand for another chance. This time, he makes it count, and a big buck hits the dirt.
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Keith Burgess' Funky Buck | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Keith Burgess heads to Missouri with his bow and takes an old buck with a crazy rack. This unique deer gets Burgess blood flowing, and it's easy to see why. Big buck down.
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Michael Pitts Smokes an Old Georgia Buck | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Michael Pitts is hunting Georgia and takes down the "Bully Buck." This old deer is a legend. Follow along as the hunt unfolds.
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Daniel McVay Shoots BIG BUCK in Indiana | Monster Bucks XXXI
Daniel McVay's Rut Hunt | Monster Bucks XXXI
The weather is right in Oklahoma and Daniel McVay gets a brute in bow range. He makes good on the shot, and the big fellow goes down.
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Bonnie McFerrin Buck Frenzy | Monster Bucks XXXI (2023)
Legends of the Fall's Bonnie McFerrin shoots a Texas giant with her bow. Follow along as this massive whitetail with points for days walks into bow range.
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Lee Ellis Spot and Stalk Success | Monster Bucks XXXI