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Peak Rut Hunts: Eric Knochel shoots a cool old gnarly buck and Bill Winke moves a trailer blind into the middle of a picked corn field. Jared Mills keeps looking for his number one buck.
Up Next in Season 1
S1E13: World Class Buck – A Giant Sur...
Chad Lathrop finally recovers the giant buck he shot in Episode 8. What a roller-coaster of emotions and what an awesome world class buck!
S1E14: Best Day to Hunt – November 7th
When you schedule your hunting vacation is very important. We have learned over the years that, on average, November 7 is the best day to hunt. Ohio’s Jason Huntsman proves that again.
S1E15: Rut Strategy – Doe Concentrati...
Bucks are searching for does very aggressively now, so we focus our rut strategy around the places where does concentrate. Several fast paced hunts with Taylor Byers shooting a trophy.