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Bucks are searching for does very aggressively now, so we focus our rut strategy around the places where does concentrate. Several fast paced hunts with Taylor Byers shooting a trophy.
Up Next in Season 1
S1E16: Public Land Buck – DIY Bruiser
Public Land Buck: Aaron Warbritton is in the right place at the right time as a hot doe in this small secluded patch of public land brings out every buck, including this giant.
S1E17: High Wind Hunting Success
High Wind Hunting: Windy days produce excellent hunting. Don’t shy away from the bluster. In fact, it is the still days that cause the most problems.
S1E18: Overnight Recovery – Tough Dec...
Greg Clements and Derik Jones shoot great bucks in this episode and face the tough decision of whether to leave their bucks for an overnight recovery or push them in the dark