Pay Dirt
Prescribed Fire | How to Use Controlled Burns for Better Habitat | Pay Dirt
Season 2, Episode 5
S2.E5. Realtree Farm Manager Roger Culpepper discusses the best practices for a safe and successful controlled burn.
Episode Breakdown:
0:10: Firebreaks are in. Safety measures are in place. Roger is finally ready to burn some ground. He fires up the torches and gets ready to light it up.
1:15: Roger discusses the importance of calling and obtaining a burn permit from the state forestry commission. This is crucial. Give them the area you're burning. They'll analyze the situation and ensure all safety measures are in place.
2:10: Then, he covers how humidity and wind factor into a good, safe, effective controlled burn. It's better to burn on days with lower humidity.
4:45: Roger discusses the differences between a back-fire and a head-fire. Each play a role and should always be used correctly. First, start your back-fire along a firebreak and let it burn into the wind (and away from the firebreak). Then, once it's established, start the head-fire and let it burn with the wind. Using this method helps keep prescribed fire from jumping fire breaks.
8:00: He shows different parts of the farm that have been burned at different times and the stages of early successional habitat they created.
9:55: Finally, he concludes by explaining what different types of controlled burns achieve and which ones you should use based on goals and expectations.
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