Midwest Whitetail Weekly
11-30-20: Chasing an Iowa Stud (Part 1 of 2) | 204-Inch Buck | Midwest Whitetail
Season 1, Episode 7
S5.E27. On this week's episode, we join Lee Abraham on his quest for an Iowa giant known as "GQ." An incredible timeline spanning over multiple years, this is one of our best documented stories yet. There's so much, we're breaking it into two episodes. We hope you enjoy and look forward to seeing you next week for part 2.
0:10 We kick things off with the beginning of an incredible story.
5:00 Abraham starts the hunt for a huge whitetail.
10:00 He spots the giant, but doesn't close the distance.
15:00 More encounters, but no cigar.
20:00 They're still after him, but haven't gotten it done.
25:00 Abraham has encounter after encounter with the giant, but no tag is filled ... yet.
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Up Next in 2020 Season
11-23-20: Ancient Bucks From Kansas, ...
S4.E26. On this week's episode, Mitch Mollerus, Nolan Redeker, and Ben Honeycutt close chapters on three ancient target bucks.
First, we kick things off in northern Missouri with team member Mitch Mollerus. After years of history and surviving a rifle shot from the neighbor, the story of "Tigger...
11-16-20: Bowhunting From the Ground ...
S4.E26. On this week's episode, we kick things off in Iowa during the lockdown phase of the rut. First, Mike Reed gives an update and offers his two favorite tips to hunt during lockdown.
Then, we join team members Caleb Mason and Matt Thede on a rut hunt that they won't soon forget. It's an epi...
11-9-20: Calling Bucks Into Bow Range...
S4.E25. On this week's episode, we bring to you two hunts that illustrate great pre-rut deer hunting tactics. We start off with Drake Lamb and a textbook calling situation. After spotting a big deer off in the distance, Lamb uses calling to grab the buck's attention.
Then, we join Tim Allen on t...