Midwest Whitetail Weekly
11-23-20: Ancient Bucks From Kansas, Kentucky, and Missouri | Midwest Whitetail
Season 1, Episode 8
S4.E26. On this week's episode, Mitch Mollerus, Nolan Redeker, and Ben Honeycutt close chapters on three ancient target bucks.
First, we kick things off in northern Missouri with team member Mitch Mollerus. After years of history and surviving a rifle shot from the neighbor, the story of "Tigger" finally comes to a close.
Then, we join Nolan Redeker who's able to fulfill a season-long quest. He tags a great deer, and enjoys a great November moment.
Finally, Josh Honeycutt and his uncle, Ben, continue the family's annual tradition and have a successful hunt on the opening day of Kentucky's rifle season. They tag a great 7 1/2-year-old deer.
0:05 Mollerus recaps several encounters with Tigger. Once up to speed, he puts in one final hunt for this giant buck. He gets it done.
16:30 Next, we join Redeker. He's in a Kansas tree, and self-filming to boot. His plan comes together.
21:30 Lastly, Honeycutt and his uncle, Ben, enjoy a successful opening day of modern firearm season in Kentucky.
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Up Next in 2020 Season
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