Midwest Whitetail Daily - Jared Mills
Jared's Blog: November Velvet Buck
Season 3, Episode 11
5m 37s
Without a second tag yet, Jared heads out to do some filming and captures some pretty cool footage throughout the afternoon. With a hot doe nearby, 11 different bucks come through the field, including one in full velvet!
Up Next in 2017
Jared's Blog: New Farm, Giant Buck
It's an exciting time for Jared & Mike as they just closed on their own farm. The first ever hunt starts out better than expected, as the guys have a great buck come right to the base of the tree. Mike and Jared discuss their plans for the farm and can't wait to start learning it.
Jared's Blog: 4.5 Year Old
Mike heads south down to his farm, hoping to catch up with TD Jr. The morning starts out fast with a number of bucks on their feet. A big 4.5 year old that Mike has history with, comes in to 15 yards.
Jared's Blog: Passing Cold Front
As a passing front moves through, Mike heads to the Graveyard Set with the hopes of catching a cruising buck. For the afternoon hunt, Jared and Mike make the drive to their new farm. The decide to hang a set on an inside corner, also using it as an observation stand.