With the barometer on the rise, Mike has high hopes for the evening sit. He is on the new farm for the afternoon, and as he’s walking the slough to the stand, he realizes he should have headed in a little bit sooner. Nonetheless, the weather does not disappoint as deer are on their feet throughout the evening.
Up Next in 2017
Jared's Blog: Close Call with a Giant 8
With a great morning weather forecast, Jared heads in early to beat the deer back to the main bedding area. The deer movement is steady, and at 9:30, a mature buck beds with a doe at 40 yards. While watching them for over an hour, Jared is caught off guard by another mature buck at 25 yards.
Jared's Blog: High Winds, Giant 8 Poi...
Jared and Mike head back into the peninsula on the new farm. Despite gusty northwest winds, it doesn’t take long for “Eli” to make his third appearance in four hunts.
Jared's Blog: Marino
With very cold temperatures, Mike & Jared head to a pinch point on the new farm. Shortly after light, a familiar buck comes within 5 yards of the tree for the second time. It's a great morning for deer movement.