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Giant Buck At 10 Steps, Missouri Hammer On A Brand New Permission Property

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Chasing November

Drake's Heart Shot On A GIANT 8, Maryland Produces A Slammer Buck

Season 9, Episode 13 • 37m

Up Next in Season 9

  • Giant Buck At 10 Steps, Missouri Hamm...

    November is finally here and with it are near perfect conditions. Out in full force is the entire team with Gavin Koterba continuing his hunting quest on the Iowa public land. Bryan Brown continues his Iowa trip and encounters a great buck. Aidan Epperson tags a magnum Missouri buck on a very rec...

  • Decoying A Missouri Stud, Bow Hunting...

    It's taken what feels like forever, but we are finally on the cusp of November with two days of October remaining. However, the hunting is so good we have zero wishes of moving ahead to fast. Kicking things off in Missouri, team member Korey Wolfe continues his dream hunting season by decoying a ...

  • Mike Goes Swimming For A 172" Giant, ...

    Not skipping a beat, this episode of Chasing November spans only a single morning. Having played cat and mouse all season with bucks, Mike Reed and Zach Rozmus continue putting in their time hunting for an opportunity. With perfect conditions, both hunters showcase exactly why bowhunting during l...