Live stream preview
Two bowhunters go through heart-breaking disappointment while another hunter enjoys the thrill of success hunting a secluded micro plot. Deer season is a roller coaster – welcome aboard.
Up Next in Season 1
S1E8: 220″ Buck Encounter, Trail Came...
Erik Barber kills a great buck in Wisconsin and Chad Lathrop gets a shot at an absolute giant, world-class 220″ buck. Both are the result of careful trail camera scouting.
S1E9: Early Rut Action, Cruising Bucks
We feature early rut action with cruising bucks. The No Name 10 narrowly gives me the slip. Scott Prucha shoots a great buck.
S1E10: Ohio Bucks, October Bowhunting
Drew McClain chases Ohio bucks and takes a giant after learning it is moving in daylight by monitoring his trail camera photos. This strategy pays off big every season.