Live stream preview
When a giant buck approaches the stand from the wrong side, Caleb Byers grabs his wife’s bow and makes the shot while she takes over the camera. Aaron Warbritton sees a double drop tine buck on public land.
Up Next in Season 2
S2E3: Rattling in a Rutting Buck
Collins Marine rattles in a rut-crazed buck after it chases a doe under his stand. Aaron Warbritton encounters two bruisers from the “Buck Nest” stand. Jared Mills closes in on “Hermit”.
S2E4: Public Land Giant, Incredible B...
Aaron Warbritton hunts deep in a marsh and arrows a Public Land Giant at 10 steps. Jared Mills captures incredible grunting footage of a buck under his stand.
S2E5: Midday Monsters, Illinois Rut A...
Scott Reinmann arrows a midday bruiser buck despite the 70+ degree weather during the Illinois rut. The public land crew finds an overlooked area loaded with bucks.