Josh Sparks makes a clean bow kill on a giant, wide 8 pointer on a frosty morning in Iowa. Caleb Byers goes back after the 200″ buck he’s encountered twice in the last week. Mike Reed has a nerve-wracking encounter with a big 8 pointer in the urban zone.
Up Next in Season 2
S2E15: Big Buck Small Plot, CRP Giant
Scott Prucha shoots a tall 8 pointer while hunting a micro plot in the timber. Jared Mills sees a CRP giant – a double drop tine buck – and nearly gets a shot at a wide 10 pointer.
S2E16: 160″ Buck from Bale Blind, Kan...
Matt Tatum arrows a tall 10 pointer from a bale blind. Jon Lewis and Aaron Warbritton head deep into public land and find a new hot spot with a lot of bucks and no hunting pressure.
S2E17: 215″ Bow Kill, Public Land Action
Caleb Byers shoots the biggest buck of his life, a 215″ bow kill Iowa bruiser he calls “Lockdown”. Zach Ferenbaugh hunts the “timber nest”, the public land crew’s new hot spot.