Season 4 Episode 5: Rick Knochel harvests his top buck, one with a huge hole in his nose from fighting. Brad DeMoss grunts in a great buck on a windy day. Caleb Byers encounters his top buck. Mike Reed identifies his new number one target.
Up Next in Season 4
S4E6: Public Land Buck, November’s Eve
Season 4 Episode 6: Josh Sparks has the hunt of a lifetime, and ends up calling in a public land bruiser. Jared Mills continues to learn his new permission farms. Bill has an action packed hunt on Halloween, just the wrong kind! Kasey Vergin tags a buck in Wisconsin with his bow.
S4E7: Central Ohio Booner, Small Farm...
Season 4 Episode 7: Drew McClain closes the story on a giant buck he calls Star. Mike Reed hangs a new stand and calls in a great buck. Lee Abraham encounters a giant 9 point multiple times.
S4E8: Huge 9 Pointer, A Giant Encounter
Season 4 Episode 8: Lee Abraham wraps his tag around the giant he’s been hunting all season. Korey Wolfe gets a second chance at a buck he missed in October from the same stand! Jeff Deets catches up to a great buck in Illinois. Owen Reigler finally encounters the giant buck he calls Crabs.