Federal Premium's Black Cloud
2020 Duck Season Kickoff | Getting That North Dakota Green | Black Cloud
Season 2, Episode 1
6m 42s
S2.E1. Dr. Duck and Billy Campbell head north for an early start to duck season. Destination? North Dakota. They quickly find the green and get permission to hunt a big cornfield. Let the fun begin.
0:15 The guys are scouting some spots for the North Dakota duck season. Will they get into some ducks?
2:50 They look at onX and pull together a game plan.
3:30 Getting ready for the hunt, they prepare the decoy spread.
3:45 Dr. Duck and Campbell talk about what makes this spot so special.
4:00 Then, the shooting begins. And some real fun is had.
#duckhunting #huntingducks #ducks #waterfowlhunting #huntingwaterfowl #waterfowl #greenheads #green #greens #mallards #duck #ducky #northdakota #duckseason #drake #hen
Up Next in 2020
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