Spring Thunder
Coyote Attacks Decoy At 8 Yards | Predator Control | Realtree Spring Thunder
Season 3, Episode 40
S3.E38. Bryan Brown and Tyler Jordan head back to Alabama for another bout with birds. It's a warm overcast morning in search of three longbeards that are known to roost on a pine ridge that runs along Mill creek. During the hunt, they're surprised by a coyote as it attacks their H.S. decoy shortly after setting up. How does it all play out?
0:30: They get ready for the morning turkey hunt. They have plans to set up on a few stubborn turkeys.
2:10: They don't hear any gobbling on the roost. So, they move throughout the early morning in hopes of stumbling across one.
4:05: Eventually, they hear the first gobble of the morning. The two hunters rush to set up before the bird walks in.
7:25: The gobbler doesn't commit to their setup, but something else does. A big song dog comes in and trashes the H.S. decoy setup. So, Brown trashes it.
10:15: While looking at the expired 'yote, Brown gets the birds they originally set up on to gobble. They sit right back down where they were before and wait them out.
11:15: Soon after, three longbeards come walking down the roadbed straight toward the setup. Do they come in range?
Up Next in 2020 Season
Finding Turkey Dust Bowls | Shelter-i...
S3.E39. Phillip Culpepper and Drake Lamb continue to shelter-in-place in Mississippi. The hunt for a big Mississippi gobbler continues.
0:23: Culpepper and Lamb talk about the shelter-in-place and preview the morning's turkey hunt.
1:30: They're under the gobbler they roosted the evening befor...
Early Season Recap | Spring Thunder P...
S3.E40. In this Spring Thunder Podcast, Tyler Jordan and Bryan Brown recap their early season successes, failures and lessons learned. They talk about what drives them to chase turkeys everyday. They also discuss a wild experience they had when a coyote attacked their H.S. decoy.
0:05 Bryan Brow...
Property Line Turkey | Neighboring Hu...
S3.E41. It's day No. 3 or 4 (maybe 5) of a shelter-in-place turkey hunt, and we head to a new yelpin' spot. It's right on the line, and Drake Lamb hopes to get his first Mississippi gobbler before the neighbor does. Challenge accepted.
2:08 A bird starts gobbling right off the bat. They get insi...