Spring Thunder
Best of Realtree Spring Thunder Week 7 | Old Turkeys and a Kid's First Gobbler
Season 3, Episode 65
S3.E63. We're looking back at the past week of Spring Thunder hunts. These outings were filled with adrenaline-rich moments.
1:30 Charlie "Chuck" Thomas goes after his first longbeard with Phillip Culpepper, Drake Lamb, and his dad Daniel. After a tough day of hunting, persistence eventually pays off. But not before several interruptions, including a 3rd grade class Zoom meeting, fallen trees across roads, and non-gobbling turkeys. Finally, the crew finds two mid-afternoon strutters that slowly work into range.
12:12 Phillip Culpepper, Michael Pitts and Drake Lamb come close to tagging two giant Alabama toms during the morning hunt. After missing out on the morning pursuit, Roger Culpepper joins them for the afternoon hunt. They pull two giant longbeards across the property line and into range.
16:40 Phillip Culpepper heads to Alabama and has one of the craziest turkey hunt endings he's ever had. Don't miss this jaw-dropping encounter with a loud-mouthed gobbler.
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