Realtree Road Trips
Austin Riley Hits a Homer | Making Some Nebraska Magic | Realtree Road Trips
Season 1, Episode 23
S1.E23. Austin Riley is in Nebraska, and he's looking for his first buck of the year. With a cold front moving through, the guys slip into a Redneck blind for the evening sit. It isn't long before they encounter the big 9-pointer they saw the day before.
1:00 Riley arrives in camp, and he's ready to make it happen.
2:00 They settle into a Redneck ground blind, and wait for deer to begin moving.
6:00 A big buck walks through, but it beds down for a while. Then, it gets up and follows a doe.
7:45 A good one walks into bow range, and Riley gets his shot opportunity.
11:30 The guys regroup at camp, and then head back in to find his buck.
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0:05 We check out a few quick clips from the episode, including one mishap.
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