Tyler Farr Remembers to Load a Shell | Big Ole Gobbler | Realtree Spring Thunder
Spring Thunder
9m 56s
S3.E68. Country music singer Tyler Farr remembers to load a shell this time. Then, they set up under a roosted bird. They're looking to rebound after yesterday's "Redneck Crazy" moment, when Farr forgot to rack in a load of TSS.
0:25 Once again, Farr has a hard time waking up. Then, the crew rips on him for failing to load his 20-gauge. He takes it well, though.
1:30 They hear a turkey gobble and make a plan to get closer to it. It won't be easy.
2:30 They creep closer, and eventually see the turkey roosted in the tree before they even get set up.
3:30 Finally in position, they begin working a loud-mouthed gobbler. Will it commit?
6:45 Farr fills his tag, but there are more turkeys out in the pasture. Culpepper tries to sneak up on one of them.
8:30 Lastly, Culpepper brings the latest edition of "Why He Did What He Did."
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