Late-Season Turkey Strategies | New Jersey Gobblers | Spring Thunder
Spring Thunder
The Spring Thunder crew heads to the Northeast where turkey hunting seasons are just kicking off. The first leg of their journey takes them to New Jersey to join good friends Anthony Virga and Caleb VanderGroef. Late-season turkey hunting can be difficult, but with the right strategies, you can make that big, old turkey come right into range.
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Up Next in Spring Thunder
A Strutting Gobbler Right Off the Roo...
David Blanton has a gobbler land in his lap right off the roost. This hunt takes place in Kansas with JB Outfitters. It's a short but action-filled spring turkey pursuit. Don't miss this classic turkey hunt.
#realtree #realtree365 #realtreespringthunder #springthunder #landmanagement #turkeyhunt...
7-Day Slam: Windy Conditions and Scre...
The crew makes it to Oklahoma. Unfortunately, the weather is not in their favor, but that doesn't slow them down. The morning breaks light, and the crew hears dozens of gobbles.
Eventually, they make a move, only for 10 screaming jakes to flood the decoys. Midday, they move to a new property and...
7-Day Slam: Loud-Mouthed Longbeards i...
The crew moves westward to the Rocky Mountains to finish off their wild turkey grand slam in seven days. This adventure will be one to remember forever, and it finishes off with one of the guys' best turkey hunts ever. You won't want to miss this.
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