Hunting Big Cornfield Longbeards | Redemption Gobbler | Realtree Spring Thunder
Spring Thunder
6m 43s
S3.E81. Phillip Culpepper and Jack Stevenson are back in the woods. They're hoping for a redemption turkey. Will it be today? Odds are good.
0:05 Culpepper recaps the previous hunt and discusses the plan for the morning pursuit.
1:30 The morning hasn't panned out very well. Eventually, they spot several turkeys out in a cornfield. Culpepper, Stevenson and Syens make a move.
3:00 Several longbeards strut and gobble on the edge of the field. A hen comes to the turkey decoy, and one of the toms follows soon after.
5:00 They recap the hunt and talk about how it played out. Stevenson gets his redemption turkey.
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