The Given Right - Behind the Season
Deer Hunting Close to the Road | Behind the Season (2020) | The Given Right
Season 1, Episode 11
S1.E11. Chris Van Gerpen and producers Matt Covington and Kurtis Blosser persevere over a three-week stretch in Kansas. They're looking for a mature Kansas whitetail.
1:00 They start the hunt, and hope to tag a giant they've been after.
2:00 He bowhunts from one of the lowest treestands of all time.
7:00 It's been pretty hard hunting. It's hot, and deer aren't moving well. The guys are persevering, though.
11:00 Finally, a giant deer steps into view. A well-placed arrow does the trick.
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Up Next in Season 1
Deer Hunting in Illinois | Behind the...
S1.E12. Kenneth Lancaster and Tyler head back to Pike County, Illinois, to chase whitetails in the same spot Lancaster started hunting 26 years earlier. Will they prevail?
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2:30 Back at camp, they decide ...
Hunting Big Oklahoma Whitetails | Beh...
S1.E14. Mark Heck, Kenneth Lancaster, and the rest of the crew are in Oklahoma for deer season. It's go time.
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3:15 It's day No. 2, and the guys are back in the game.
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Deer Hunting with a .40-Caliber | Beh...
S1.E14. On his first evening back in Minnesota, Mark has a run in with his target buck while hunting with the brand new CVA .40-caliber muzzleloader.
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4:00 It's December now, and he's hoping to fill a late-season tag.
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