Spring Thunder
Best Hunt of 2020? | Tyler Farr's Double-Tap Mishap | Realtree Spring Thunder
Season 3, Episode 74
7m 38s
S3.E73. Tyler Farr is behind the camera, and he might or might not make a rookie mistake. (Spoiler alert: it happens.) But, when it does, it's no fun. Is this the best footage of the year? Golden Moose? Emmy? We'll never know. Find out what happens when this country music singer gets behind the lens on an epic (we think) turkey hunt with Phillip Culpepper and Rhett Akins.
1:00 Culpepper meets up with Rhett Akins and Tyler Farr. They talk for a bit, prep for the hunt, and then call it. Game time.
2:00 They spot several turkeys out in a pasture field, and then they try to swing around them into position.
3:25 Two birds work toward them, and Akins and Culpepper both take off their safeties.
5:50 Culpepper recaps the hunt with Akins and Farr.
#realtree #realtreeoutdoors #huntwithanedge #springthunder #turkeyhunting #turkeyhuntingvideos #turkeyhuntingtips #bestturkeyvideos #wildturkeys #gobblers #strutters #longbeards #toms #birds
Up Next in 2020 Season
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S3.E74. Bill Jordan heads out for a spot-and-stalk hunt on the last day of the Georgia turkey season. He finds a longbeard with hens, and then makes his move.
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No Calls Necessary | Silent Late-Seas...
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0:05 Lamb updates everyone on his upcoming plans....
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