Spring Thunder
Georgia Youth Season Success | Midday Turkey Hunting | Realtree Spring Thunder
Season 3, Episode 12
7m 33s
S3.E11. The Georgia youth season is finally here. Realtree's Phillip Culpepper and Drake Lamb team up with 30-30 Ministries to kick things off. They didn't roost a bird, but they return to the same area the next morning and the woods come alive with gobbling. Finally, they find a midday loafer looking for a hen and Nate Presley draws a bead on him.
0:30: Culpepper and Lamb get geared up for the opening morning of youth season. After a bit of friendly banter, they hit the road and meet up with the father and son they'll be hunting with.
2:05: The sun starts to rise, and they hear turkeys gobbling in the distance. Three gobblers are sounding off, and they try to choose one to go after. And oftentimes, that's a harder decision than you'd think.
3:50: Birds fly down, shut up, and refrain from cooperation. Culpepper works hard to locate a willing gobbler for the youth hunter.
4:20: A lonely longbeard finally sounds off and Culpepper gets it fired up with some sweet clucks and yelps. The bird gets hot and comes in looking for love. It struts all the way into range, and the young hunter tags the bird. As Culpepper says, he shoots him right in the beak. It's a classic, incredible, midday turkey hunt in Georgia.
To find out more info, or to get involved with 30-30 Ministries, visit www.3030ministries.org.
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