Join Tyler and Bill Jordan as they discuss intense management practices they use on their lands. These might be helpful for your property. Check out the advice from the main man at Monster Meal, too.
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Up Next in Pay Dirt 2022
When Should You Start Feeding Based o...
Bill and Tyler Jordan meet with Blake Davis of Monster Meal to discuss feeding patterns, winter stress, and timelines. Feeding earlier equals deer finishing better, improved antler growth, and simpler management practices.
#realtree #realtree365 #paydirt #realtreefarms #landmanagement #managingl...
How to Pull Soil Samples | Sampling S...
Join us as Realtree Farms manager Wes Dougherty shows us how he likes to pull soil samples. He also tells us the benefits of pulling such samples. This is an important step in planting food plots and managing land for wildlife.
#realtree #realtree365 #paydirt #realtreefarms #landmanagement #mana...
Burning Land At Realtree Farms | Pres...
Join the Realtree crew as they burn some ground at Realtree Farms. They're using prescribed fire. It's all to better the habitat for all wildlife.
#realtree #realtree365 #paydirt #realtreefarms #landmanagement #managingland #prescribedfire #fire #prescribedburn #burning #burn