I head back out for another loop through the Chocolate Rack buck’s core area in hopes of finding his antlers. Along the way, I stop to discuss bedding ridges, doe bedding areas and the importance of diversity in prime whitetail habitat.
Up Next in 2017
Winke's Blog: Antler Hunt Day 3
Bill heads out in search of antlers in a part of the farm he didn’t hunt much last season. Along the way, he discusses big rub lines, Poor Man’s Plots and why he is finding so many dead bucks on his farm.
Winke's Blog: Frost Seeding
Now is the time to get your frost seeding done. I took 30 minutes this morning to broadcast Frigid Forage Pure Trophy Clover into the Plow Down Plot. I will hit it with fertilizer soon. The conditions were perfect, guaranteeing very good seed to soil contact and excellent germination. Frost s...
Winke's Blog: How-to Hunt Small Plots
On today’s walk, Bill dives into the subject of how he hunts small food plots. Rather than hunt where the deer come into the plot, he hunts the opposite side in order to keep a safe wind. This approach requires a bit more patience, but rarely results in burning out a spot quickly.