Mike and Jake slip in to a creek bottom pinch where they believe one of Mike's target bucks is spending most of his time. While they never do catch up with the buck they were looking for, they observe a really good three year old chasing a doe through the beans.
Up Next in 2019
Mike's Blog: Cold Front Action Continues
With a major cold front still lingering, Mike heads to the stand in an effort to catch a mature deer on his feet. The guys observe steady action throughout the night as multiple young bucks and does filter out of the bedding area into surrounding corn and bean fields.
Mike's Blog: First Mature Buck Encounter
Despite a slow hunt out of the same stand a week prior Mike decides to give the set one last chance before moving to another location on the farm. As multiple bucks and does filter into the rye field, a heavy 8 makes his way towards the guys while working scrapes.
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Mike's Blog: First Hunt for Sherman, ...
Mike's first sit on a farm close to home for a buck he calls Sherman is eventful, but with kayakers, 4-wheelers and target shooters making racket, it's not the action he's hoping for.