After waiting for the right conditions, Owen decides to hunt the area he believes the buck known as "Uno" is living. With the continued cool weather, Owen expects great deer movement.
Up Next in 2018
Owen's Blog: Hunting an Occasional Buck
Despite not seeing a deer the previous evening, Owen heads to the same blind hoping to finally see "Uno" in person. The buck has been showing up in daylight every 4 to 5 days on camdera, and it's been 5 days since the last picture. Owen also updates us on the "Flyer", and offers a possible reason...
Owen's Blog: Calling From a Blind
Owen heads to the same blind that his daughter Paige harvested a great buck out of only a month ago, hoping to see Blades or Flyers. On the way, he shows how mowing trails has helped play into his past success and then discusses his thoughts on calling from a blind.
Owen's Blog: Plan B for Crabs
With the wrong wind to hunt the buck Owen calls "Crabs," he decides to hunt a blind where he encountered the buck multiple times last season. As soon as the guys get to the blind, they're covered up in deer from start to finish.