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Midwest Whitetail Daily - Owen Reigler
Owen's Blog: Story of Jawdropper, Timber Stand Improvement
Season 1, Episode 42
Today Owen discusses Timber Stand Improvement and its benefits. Additionally, he shares his story on the buck known as "Jawdropper".
Up Next in 2019
Owen's Blog: Manipulate Deer Movement...
Still looking for sheds, Owen discusses different tactics to make deer move past your stands.
Owen's Blog: Shed Hunting, Top Food S...
Owen is out on the project farm to look for more sheds. Along the way, he discusses the difference between food sources that attract vs. food sources that provide nutrition. He separates the two cagtegories and adds his top 4 choices for food in each one.
Owen's Blog: 30 Sheds and a Deadhead
30 Sheds and a dead head. Digits, Picket Fence and Super Freak make their way into Owen's hands and he goes over some of the history he has with these mature bucks from his farm.