08:05Episode 48
Owen's Blog: Spot & Stalk
Episode 48
Owen catches a glimpse of the “Picket Fence” buck and makes a move on the brute. Does it pan out? Follow along to find out.
Owen's Blog : Late-Season Hitlist Targets
Owen and Joe head to different ends of the farm. They hope to encounter a few familiar bucks. Watch to see how things go by the end of the evening.
09:16Episode 2
Owen's Blog : "Split G2" Falls
Episode 2
Owen and his girlfriend, Rachel, head back to a familiar blind hoping to encounter the "Split G2" buck.
12:29Episode 3
Owen's Blog: Best Sit in Years
Episode 3
Join Owen as he hunts Iowa's gun season. He has the best sit he has had in years and tags a great buck. This is a hunt you don't want to miss.
Owen's Blog : Locked Bucks Freed with Chainsaw
Episode 4
As Owen was setting up a new blind he heard two bucks locked up and had to try to free them.
Owen's Blog | Mature Buck Goes Down
Follow along as Owen has an awesome hunt that ends with him tagging a super alert buck!
11:28Episode 6
Owen's Blog: Mid-Day Adjustments
Episode 6
Join Owen as he has an eventful morning followed by some mid-day shooting before heading out for an evening hunt.
Owen's Blog | Back In The Saddle
Follow along as Owen heads back to the stand after a short unexpected break.
07:50Episode 8
Owen's Blog: Target Spotted
Episode 8
Not long after getting into his Redneck Blind, Owen's target buck "Picket Fence" makes an appearance.
Owen's Blog | Does In Estrus, Bucks On The Move
Join Owen as he heads to back to a stand where he has had a ton of success over the years. With frigid temperatures, Owen still believes he will have a really good hunt.
09:24Episode 10
Owen's Blog: Right Trail, Wrong Deer
Episode 10
After slower than expected movement, Owen decides to make a move to a farm he hunted recently were he encountered mature bucks as shooting light expired.
Owen's Blog | Close Call With Tempting Buck
Join Owen Reigler as he is back out in the woods after some trophy target bucks.
10:45Episode 12
Owen's Blog: Chilly November
Episode 12
Follow along as Owen sets out for a cold November morning in hopes of seeing "Picket Fence". Then makes a move to familiar stand for an evening sit.
Owen's Blog | Same Deer, Different Spot
He has gotten a few recent pictures of the buck in the area.
10:26Episode 14
Owen's Blog: Peak Seeking
Episode 14
Owen heads out to the bling and action starts right away as bucks are seeking does.
Owen's Blog: Different Farm, Rattling In Bucks
Follow along as Owen catches a glimpse of a shooter buck during his morning hunt. Then for the evening hunt he heads to a different farm that has been having more rut activity.
Owen's Blog: Element of Surprise
Owen sets out for an evening hunt in hopes that the element of surprise is in his favor.
Owen's Blog: New Farm, Mature Deer
Owen starts the morning searching for his two primary targets: "Digits" and "Picket Fence". Then, he heads back out fired up for an evening hunt on a farm that he is hunting for the first time this year.
10:34Episode 18
Owen's Blog: Rattling Tips
Episode 18
Owen heads to the stand, and shares an update on some target bucks. As the rut action is heating up, Owen discusses rattling during various stages of the season.
Owen's Blog | Snowy Hunt, Archery Shootout
Owen heads back after the "Picket Fence" buck. Owen and Joe have an archery shootout.
Owen's Blog | Time To Fill The Freezer
Owen heads back out to the spot he killed the "Crabs" bucks last year, he hopes to catch a glimpse of the "Digits" buck or harvest some Does to fill the freezer.
06:19Episode 21
Owen's Blog: Looking For "Lightswitch"
Episode 21
After a night of snowfall, Owen heads out looking for "Lightswitch".
09:32Episode 22
Owen's Blog : Targeting "Digits"
Episode 22
With the change in weather, Owen has high hopes that "Digits" will make an appearance during shooting hours.
Owen's Blog | Core Area Hunt
Owen heads to a stand in a location he believes to be the core area for multiple target bucks.