Drake's Blog: Treestand Placement Tips | Setting Up the Creek Bottom Farm
Midwest Whitetail Daily - Drake Lamb
5m 29s
After a filled buck tag and a season of learning the property, Drake Lamb heads out to strategically hang some treestands on the "Creek Bottom Farm." One stand is primarily for cruising bucks during the rut. The other is for an observation stand to gather more information about the deer movement.
0:10 They start hanging stands, and cutting shooting lanes.
0:45 Lamb talks about the property and what their plans are this season.
2:45 They head to another spot to hang a second stand.
4:00 After finishing up, they recap their efforts, and talk about several goals.
#realtree #realtree365 #deerhunting #bowhunting #midwestwhitetail #chasingnovember #whitetails #deer #buck #bucks #hunting #iowa
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