Hunt Club with Phillip Culpepper
Self-Filmed Georgia Giant | Hunting the Kicker Buck in Tennessee | Hunt Club
Season 1, Episode 23
S1.E15. Roger Culpepper has had a tough go with the Big 8. He stays after it, though. Is third time charm? Also, Phillip Culpepper is ready to make adjustments in Tennessee.
0:30 Back in Tennessee, Phillip is providing some fresh corn for the deer. They're using a Tennessee combine to do it.
1:50 Over to Roger, he tags a few does to get back in the swing of things.
3:15 Back to Phillip, he's in a stand. His goal is an encounter with the kicker buck.
4:45 Roger is back in the blind, and he's looking for an encounter with the giant 8-pointer that he's missed twice. Will he get another opportunity?
7:00 After the shot, they recover the buck, and it's a good one.
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Up Next in Season 1
The Kicker Buck Returns | Deer Huntin...
S1.E14. The weather is finally cooling off. The wind is right for a favorite treestand location. And the target buck is hitting during daylight. Phillip Culpepper and his friend, Darrell Prentice, have a plan and are putting it into action.
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S1.E13. Phillip and Roger Culpepper are chasing big bucks they know. The unexpected happens to them twice. Roger comes eye-to-eye with a big 8-pointer he's watched all year. Will he put a tag on it?
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Cheeseburger's Self-Filmed Harvest | ...
S1.E12. The weather has been hot in Georgia, but once it cools off, the guys start to heat up. After a rough opening day, Cheeseburger stays strong and finally comes to full draw on his first deer of the season.
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