Is This an Antlered Doe? | Late-Season Deer Hunting | Hunt Club
Hunt Club with Phillip Culpepper
S1.E33. Roger Culpepper collects some backstrap for the grill. Phillip Culpepper and Cheeseburger stay after a couple bucks that are showing up on trail cameras. Finally, the verdict is still out on whether or not the guys have an antlered doe showing up regularly at the club. What do ya'll think?
0:05 This afternoon, they move to a different spot. Phillip decides to leave the creek bottom he's been hunting in. Now, he's up on the ridge.
1:45 Roger heads in to arrow a doe. He gets it done.
5:15 Back to Phillip, it's a quiet afternoon with minimal action.
7:00 After hanging some stands, Cheeseburger and Culpepper head afield yet again. They have a couple bucks on camera.
11:00 Deer are moving. Does he see the one he wants?
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Up Next in Hunt Club with Phillip Culpepper
Tracking Big Bucks | Nate Thomas and ...
S1.E35. Nate Thomas and Michael Pitts pack their bags, then head westward to team up with Phillip Culpepper in Mississippi.
This is Thomas' first time hunting outside the state of Georgia. The whole trip starts out rough for Pitts, but he has an interesting encounter with a "monarch of a creatur...
Big Mississippi Bucks and Birds | A F...
S1.E34. It's almost Christmas, and is now officially the late season. Luckily, the rut is just getting started in certain parts of the South.
Culpepper gets an invite from his turkey hunting buddy, Truvy Argraves, who lives in Mississippi. The ice gets broken the first day in camp.
0:30 First, ...
Big Buck Mississippi Miss | Hard Hunt...
S1.E36. The guys are running out of time in Mississippi. Michael Pitts walks us through his morning routine. Nate Thomas hunts hard all day for a lopsided buck nicknamed "Cull." Eventually, it gets down to the last day, and Culpepper hasn't come close to anything worth shooting ... until now. All...