Holding Late-Season Birds | Waves of Waterfowl in the Skies | Black Cloud
Honey Brake Experience
6m 24s
With duck seasons coming to a close across the country, Realtree's crews heads to East Central Louisiana to hunt ducks at Honey Brake Lodge. There's still plenty of birds in the area after the arctic cold snap, and it shows. Waves of waterfowl work the skies.
#realtree #realtree365 #blackcloud #drduck #billycampbell #duckhunting #publicducks #ducks #duck #waterfowl #duckhunting #huntingducks #mallards #mallard #teal #pintail #canvasback #blackduck #redhead #wigeon #shoveler #merganser #woodduck #geese #goose #banded
Up Next in Honey Brake Experience
Sun Sets on the 2021-22 Duck Season |...
S3.E10. The final day of the duck season is here, and the guys go out with a pretty big bang! Until next seaso. The Honey Brake Experience is signing off.
#realtree #realtree365 #honeybrakeexperience #hbe #duckhunting #huntingducks #waterfowlhunting #waterfowl #ducks #duck #greenheads #hunting #...
The Year of the Pintail Duck | Honey ...
S3.E9. It's the year of the pintail duck at Honey Brake. More of these are moving through southern Louisiana than ever before. Let's dive in and see how incredible this experience really is!
#realtree #realtree365 #duckhunting #waterfowlhunting #waterfowl #ducks #hunting #hunt #outdoors #pintail...
Post-Rut Double | Louisiana Buck Hunt...
S3.E7. Tyler Jordan and Colton Jordan team up to hunt the tail end of the deer and duck season at Honey Brake Lodge. Tyler was lucky enough to tag a farm legend nicknamed "King" the night before. After game planning over trail cam pictures, the brothers decided on their locations for the evening....