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Holding Late-Season Birds | Waves of Waterfowl in the Skies | Black Cloud

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ICE and SNOW Push Ducks South | Duck Hunting Oklahoma | Black Cloud

Black Cloud Duck Hunting • 13m

Up Next in Black Cloud Duck Hunting

  • Holding Late-Season Birds | Waves of ...

    With duck seasons coming to a close across the country, Realtree's crews heads to East Central Louisiana to hunt ducks at Honey Brake Lodge. There's still plenty of birds in the area after the arctic cold snap, and it shows. Waves of waterfowl work the skies.

    #realtree #realtree365 #blackcloud #...

  • Flooded Timber Limits | New Wave of D...

    The Black Cloud crew hunts the frozen flooded timber, and ducks are pouring in. With only one week left to duck hunt, the guys hunt their favorite flooded timber hole on the Louisiana/Arkansas border. With waves of ducks arriving back from the south after the deep freeze that locked up parts of L...

  • Quick Limits | Thousands of Ducks and...

    While most of North Louisiana is still locked-up, the Black Cloud crew finds a pocket of water that the ducks and geese have kept open. With thousands of birds in the air and on the water, the guys are able to shoot a mixed bag limit while most waters are still locked up and not hunt-able.
