The Given Right - Behind the Season
Kansas Turkeys with Cody Kelley | Behind the Season (2021) | The Given Right
Season 1, Episode 30
7m 26s
S1.E30. Mark Heck and the Small Town Hunting crew hunts Kansas. They take little time to get on the board. Birds fly down in the field right off the roost.
1:00 Heck sets the scene.
2:00 Once in the field, three gobblers walk into the setup. Only one leaves.
3:00 The guys recap the incredible hunt.
5:15 Afterward, they meet up with the rest of the guys.
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Up Next in Season 1
Another Killer Kansas Double | Behind...
S1.E31. The TGR and STH crews are still in Kansas. Kenneth and Tyler double on two Kansas longbeards.
1:00 Kenneth and Tyler finish their drive to Kansas. They realize they're some of the last to fill tags.
2:00 Once in the field, the turkeys are strutting, gobbling and doing other turkey thing...
Keith Burgess Bags a Big Gobbler | Be...
S1.E32. Small Town Hunting's Keith Burgess is up to bat in Kansas. He bags a really nice longbeard.
0:15 The guys are in the field and ready to fire down on one. After a few laughs, they finally get serious.
1:45 Eventually, the gobbler flies down and takes a load of shot to the noggin.
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Hunting Monster Iowa Turkeys | Behind...
S1.E34. The Given Right crew heads home to Iowa to chase big Iowa longbeards. The board is set. It's game on.
1:00 They eat some crawfish and share some laughs.
2:00 The guys set up for the roost hunt.
4:00 It gets daylight, and a good one walks right down the barrel.
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