The Given Right - Behind the Season
Turkey Hunting in the Northeast | Behind the Season (2021) | The Given Right
Season 1, Episode 36
6m 49s
S1.E36. The hunt for love-sick longbeards continues in Maine. And the gobblers keep falling. Let's go.
0:05 Another day is here, and these guys are looking pretty spry for 3:30 a.m.
1:30 Everyone is in the blind, but the turkeys are playing hard to get.
2:00 Finally, a big bird struts into the decoy set.
4:00 They recover the gobbler, and it's a big Maine turkey.
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Up Next in Season 1
More Northeastern Turkey Hunting | Be...
S1.E37. Chris Cobbett hunts Maine turkeys, and finally knocks one down of his own. It's an end to a great hunt.
0:15 It's the second day of the season, and Cobbett is on his own for the day.
2:00 Once in the field, he sets up, and turkeys are gobbling on the roost.
2:45 Around mid-morning, Cob...