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Late-season Deer Hunting in Iowa | Behind the Season (2020) | The Given ...

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The Given Right - Behind the Season

Making Some Midwestern Magic | Behind the Season (2020) | The Given Right

Season 1, Episode 18 • 9m 47s

Up Next in Season 1

  • Late-season Deer Hunting in Iowa | Be...

    S1.E19. Mark Heck finally ends his game of chess with The Box 10 after relocating the Grizzly blind again because of unseasonal weather.

    1:30 They relocated a blind for a South wind. They're in the Redneck blind for a great afternoon sit.

    4:30 Despite their efforts, they still haven't connected...

  • Late-Season Iowa Whitetails | Behind ...

    S1.E20. Kenneth Lancaster meets up with Mark Heck in Iowa and tags a big 156-inch 8-point on the day before his birthday.

    2:00 It's snowing, and cold, and the guys are out in it.

    5:00 Lancaster settles in for the afternoon sit. Deer begin piling into the field.

    8:00 They enjoy some time back ...

  • Doe Management 101 | Behind the Seaso...

    S1.E21. Mark Heck is at his home farm in Iowa doing his part to help the local deer herd. He's taking care of some doe management.

    1:15 Heck and some friends are at deer camp. They're hoping to fill some tags.

    2:30 Heck reflects on a previous successful hunt, and talks about the goals of some o...