Prairie Wildlife Experience
Meet Mr. Jimmy | Welcome to Prairie Wildlife | Prairie Wildlife Experience
Season 1, Episode 1
S1.E1. Located along the Blackbelt Prairie in Clay County, Mississippi, Prairie Wildlife Experience has become the crown jewel of upland hunting, conservation, and shooting in the Deep South. Meet the man behind this incredible operation and his team of talented men and women who keep the wheels turning. Featuring Jimmy Bryan, Bennie Atkinson, Xavier Fairley, and Todd Robinson.
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Up Next in Season 1
The Opener | The Ladies Experience PW...
S1.E2. It's the ladies turn to experience what it's all about at Prairie Wildlife Experience. They have the opportunity to learn from some of the best.
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The Brand of Integrity | A Legacy Exp...
S1.E3. From cattle and cotton to conservation and land management, this is the story of Prairie Wildlife, and it's a great one. Follow along as we learn more about the history of this incredible brand.
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PRO PLAN on the Prairie | Purina Fuel...
S1.E4. When it comes to bird hunting with canines, a bird dog's instinct is something to watch. This week, the team from Purina dog food are in town and talking about their passion for the bird dog.
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