How to Tell If a Buck Is Healthy Based on a Shed | Pay Dirt
Pay Dirt
7m 54s
Blake Davis meets up with farm manager JJ Doughman and Tyler Jordan to discus several important topics. Some of these include pedicle formation, what time of year you should start looking for sheds, and why running cameras is so beneficial to your deer herd.
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Up Next in Pay Dirt
How to Pick a Deer Feeder Location | ...
Farm Managers Roger Culpepper and Wes Dougherty talk with Blake Davis on location of a feeder. They also cover how there is no need to feed protein year-round. Keep these land management tips and tactics in mind for your deer management programs.
#realtree #realtree365 #paydirt #realtreefarms #l...
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We are back and launching the 2024 season. We start with annual trapping efforts at Realtree Farms. We have everything you could want. From coyote attacks to your basic trap setups, join us as we ride along with long-time trappers Jacob Parker and Lee Riley. Let's see what's on the line at Realtr...
Tree Processing at Realtree Farms | S...
Realtree's Stephen McNelly gets firewood ready for an upcoming event at Realtree Farms. Check out the good times as they prepare for the fun event ahead. To learn more about Wallenstein Equipment visit their website... #realtree365 #paydirt #realtr...