Midwest Whitetail Weekly
8 Seasons
Midwest Whitetail is a weekly series that we produce all year long, as close to live as possible. Follow these incredible stories as we find the bucks we will hunt, attempt to pattern them and then ultimately pursue them. Learn lots of updates on strategy and buck behavior.
2-19-18: Benefits of Timber Stand Improvement | Midwest Whitetail
Whether you hunt a small property or a large one, whether you own it or hunt by permission, there is something that almost everyone can do to make it better. Every acre should serve a purpose. This week we join Skip Sligh as he discusses the power of timber stand improvement. From better timb...
2-26-18: Flyers, New Farm, Frost Seeding | Midwest Whitetail
Episode 2
Jared shares the story of a buck named Flyers. After finding out he is severely injured, Jared sets out to find out if the buck is still alive. Then he meets with Mike Reed at their new farm. The two discuss their top off-season improvements and what they learned in their first year of hunting th...
3-5-18: Finding Sheds, Understanding String Jumping | Midwest Whitetail
Josh, Jared and Bill have an interesting conversation around this topic based on a number of past experiences. Understanding this concept can help you make better decisions in the heat of the moment. The crew also get out for a quick walk on the Winke farm, finding antlers from known bucks.
3-12-18: Hang & Hunt, Iowa Deer Classic | Midwest Whitetail
When packing climbing sticks and stands for a hang and hunt, it is important to be as efficient as possible. Jared shows us a few ways that may help with your setup this fall. We also look at the sights of the 2018 Iowa Deer Classic. There were some tremendous deer on display! Finally, while ...
3-19-18: Shed Antlers, Hanging Stands | Midwest Whitetail
Mike Reed and the guys get a chance to walk his farm in search of shed antlers. Although finding some familiar dead bucks was not what they hoped for, finding 37 total sheds resulted in a good day. Jared follows up on last week’s segment and shows us how he likes to set up stands for hang and h...
3-26-18: Fruit Plots, Pruning Apple Trees | Midwest Whitetail
Episode 6
Fruit plots and apple trees specifically can be a great addition to a recreational property. To get the most out of them though, yearly maintenance is critical. As a follow up to a 2016 segment with Eli Cook, Bill has Jesse Randall go in-depth about caring for apple trees in order to get the high...
4-2-18: 233″ Iowa Giant, How To Fertilize Plots | Midwest Whitetail
Episode 7
On March 25, Caleb Byers recovered the giant deer he hit the previous November. He found it in a nearby creek. Caleb tells the entire story of the hunt, the recovery, and the history with an amazing 233-inch whitetail. We then join Skip Sligh as he discusses the importance of soil testing and how...
4-9-18: Grafting Apple Trees, Swirling Winds | Midwest Whitetail
Episode 8
Jesse Randall shows how easy and inexpensive it is to get started with grafting apple trees. Bill also discusses the difference between hunting ridges and valleys and the risk you take when it comes to swirling winds.
4-16-18: Testing Winds, Food Plot Rotation | Midwest Whitetail
Episode 9
Understanding swirling winds and how various terrain types affect them can be challenging. Jared experiments with smoke balls in a spot that he consistently experienced tough wind conditions during the hunting season. He was able to learn a little bit more about the spot through a cool visual exp...
4-23-18: Idiot-Proof Bow, Improving a Treestand | Midwest Whitetail
Skip Sligh shows us some creative projects you can do to turn an average stand into a great one. We’ve all experienced the chaos that comes along with the moment of truth. Bill teaches us the importance of an idiot-proof bow setup that will minimize the chances of disaster at the wrong time.
4-30-18: Disappointing Find, Burn Season | Midwest Whitetail
Bill had one deer in particular that he was really hoping would make it another couple years. Unfortunately, Jared found it dead, showing once again how difficult it can be to get certain deer to maturity. It is a risk that some deer hunters take and it can be hard to swallow at times. Burning is...
5-7-18: Poor Man’s Food Plot, Remote Cameras | Midwest Whitetail
Bill chooses a site near a bedding area and destination food source to create a Poor Man's Plot. This plot will act as a staging plot for the deer as they come in and out of the bedding. Bill also discusses an option for bigger equipment and bigger fields; the Genesis drill from RTP Outdoors. ...
5-14-18: Best Arrow for Deer, Disappearing Bucks | Midwest Whitetail
Episode 13
Bill looks ahead to his two potential top targets for the 2018 season. With both bucks disappearing mid-season last year, he is reminded of a giant deer he hunted back in 2011. Bill also dives in to the debatable topic of choosing the best arrow setup for deer. From diameter to weight to broadhea...
5-21-18: Beat Target Panic, Bass Fishing, Creating Cover | Midwest Whitetail
Episode 14
Bill offers tips that help him defeat target panic. As is the case in many areas, the Emerald Ash Borer has impacted the Ash trees on Jared’s farm. Instead of leaving the dying trees as being useless, he cuts them down to create ground cover. Finally, the guys in the office break away for a quick...
21:20Episode 15
5-28-18: Sweat Equity | Midwest Whitetail
Episode 15
Bill, Skip, and Jared all battle the record high temperatures to get projects done on their respective farms. Skip gets some tractor work done while offering some tips on how to stay safe from ticks this summer. Jared gets some areas sprayed in preparation for putting in food and native switchgra...
8-27-18: Velvet Bucks, Season Preview | Midwest Whitetail
We’re back for our 11th season of Midwest Whitetail. This week we bring you the best velvet footage from the summer and preview the upcoming season.
6-4-18: Fawn Season | Midwest Whitetail
Jared demonstrates how much difference a year can make on a clover plot and introduces our new producer Justin Fabian and he discusses fawn recruitment, gestation period, and signs of overall herd health for this time of year. Caleb and Taylor Byers give us an update on their plans going into the...
6-11-18: Bulletproof Access, First Corn Plot | Midwest Whitetail
Jared sets a stand on his new farm and introduces another new team to the Midwest Whitetail family, Matt Thede and Outreach Outdoors. They discuss the process of putting in a corn plot for the first time on Matt’s farm, and what their team will bring to the show as a new partner.
6-18-18: Screening Plots, Summer Scouting | Midwest Whitetail
Highlights from the Midwest Whitetail annual meeting as our pro staff gathered from around the country to meet with our sponsors and get prepared for the 2018 season. Justin Fabian is on Lee’s farm in Southern Iowa and talks about the importance of overall herd health throughout the course of the...
9-3-18: Setting the Trap For an Iowa Giant | Midwest Whitetail
Bill takes us to a Big N’ Beasty kill plot he strategically placed and shows us how he plans on hunting it this coming fall. Then we join Owen Reigler, a new member of the team who introduces an Iowa giant he calls “Trey.” Finally, Bill closes out his summer prep by cleaning up the access route t...
9-10-18: New Properties, Massive Flooding | Midwest Whitetail
Jared Mills heads to his and Mike’s farm to assess the flood situation. He also discuss the challenges of moving and losing permission on his other farms. Caleb and Taylor Byers share their lengthy hit-list full of familiar faces from last fall. Finally, only a day later, Jared and Mike meet at t...
9-17-18: Hit List of a Lifetime, Youth Season Tradition | Midwest Whitetail
Episode 22
With the summer drought conditions ravaging his beans, Bill decides to rescue his favorite plot using the Genesis No-Till Drill to plant Frigid Forage Autumn Quick Plot. Next, we join Owen Reigler as he shares his Hitlist of a lifetime. Then he shares how important the youth season is to him and ...
9-24-18: Missouri Legend, Flood Update| Midwest Whitetail
Justin Luebrecht closes the 3 year story for a legendary Missouri buck he calls “Misfit.” Bill pulls a camera hoping to find the “Lone Oak Buck.” Mike Reed heads to he and Jared’s farm and updates on the status of the farm – post flood.
10-1-18: Paige’s Best Buck, Flyers Is Alive | Midwest Whitetail
A major cold front rolled through the Midwest this past week, and with it came great action during the youth season. Owen Reigler's daughter Paige capitalized,taking her best buck ever. Jared Mills bring us an update on the injured non-typical buck known as “Flyers,” showing how incredibly tough ...