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Bill shoots a 60 yard group as Drake and Cooper head back to the fields to film more bucks.
Up Next in 2019
Winke's Blog: Big 8 Point Bucks, Shoo...
Bill, Drake and Cooper are filming the fields again and this time they turned up several very solid bucks. At least one will be on the list for the fall. Bill shoots another 60 yard group as he continues to prepare for the season.
Winke's Blog: Field Full Of Velvet, S...
Bill, Drake Lamb and Cooper Long spent the evening filming fields and found a surprising number of bucks. Bill also shoots another 60-yard group in the backyard as he continues to prepare for the season.
Winke's Blog: 60 Yd Group, No-Till Plots
Bill Winke continues his summer 60 yard Challenge and drills Frigid Forage Big-N-Beasty annual food plot blend into a spot he recently sprayed.