Midwest Whitetail Daily - Bill Winke
No Safe Wind for This Spot | Bill Winke Treestand Location Series
Season 1, Episode 3
2m 32s
S1.E19. Winke continues his treestand maintenance. The latest spot didn't work out as well as he'd hoped. He quickly learned there was no safe wind to hunt out of this tree.
#midwestwhitetail #chasingnovember #billwinke #whitetails #deer #bucks
Up Next in Stand Series
Bowhunting in Big Ag Fields | Bill Wi...
S1.E18. Bill continues his treestand maintenance and heads to a stand overlooking a big field. Here he explains why spots like this can be beneficial to hunt, and also the difficulties one may have while archery hunting large fields.
Typical Morning Rut Stand Breakdown |...
S1.E17. Bill heads to what he refers to as a "typical morning rut stand." Here, he has had good action over the years and he discusses what key factors this spot offers.
#midwestwhitetail #chasingnovember #billwinke #deerhunting #deer #whitetails
Ultimate Bedding Area Stand | Bill Wi...
S1.E16. Bill heads to one of his favorite stands on the farm. Located close to home, it allows for quick access to an ultimate bedding area stand. Here, he harvested Jamie back in 2010.